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Achtsamkeit im Park – Meditationen und Impulse

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Mindfulness in the park - meditations and impulses

Tour of Sanssouci Park with Constanze Meyer, psychological psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher

Klimawandel im Park Sanssouci

Klimawandel im Park Sanssouci

A conscious confrontation with the consequences of ecological crises, as already visible in Sanssouci Park, can be deeply unsettling emotionally and requires a high degree of mental flexibility and resilience. Experiencing nature, mindfulness and meditation support emotional processing, promote mental stability and ensure that we become more resilient. If we focus on the essentials in an attitude of openness and compassion and connect with our fellow human beings and the environment, we can draw courage and actively help shape a more sustainable future.

Mindfulness impulses, sitting and walking meditation and sharing are planned. Beginners are welcome.

Constanze Meyer is a psychological psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher and is active in "Psychologists4Future".

Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Chinese house

Price: €10.00

Reduced price: €8.00

Booking: (bookable from April)

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