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Mensch, ist das anstrengend. Demokratie in Ost und West

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Man, That's Exhausting. Democracy in East and West

Talk series "Talking about ruptures"

Mechanische Arena im Foyer des Humboldt Forums – Mechanische Arena im Foyer des Humboldt Forums

Mechanische Arena im Foyer des Humboldt Forums – Mechanische Arena im Foyer des Humboldt Forums

Learning democracy? While people in the SED state were largely denied democratic co-determination – apart from voting and refusing to vote – there were other opportunities for democratic participation in the West.

Participation in political decision-making was learned differently over the period of German division and, above all, practiced differently. Processes and socializations that still have an impact today. What influence do these different socializations have on the view of today’s political system and on our self-image as citizens?


Moderation: Insa Wilke

Participants in the discussion: Steffen Mau, Juliane Stückrad and Stephan Anpalagan


Steffen Mau, born in 1968, is Professor of Macrosociology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His book Lütten Klein. Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft (st 5092) was number 1 on the non-fiction bestseller list of ZDF, Zeit and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. In 2021 he received the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation.

Juliane Stückrad was born in 1975 in Eisenach, where she lives with her family. She studied ethnology in Leipzig, received her doctorate in folklore at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena and works at the Volkskundliche Beratungs- und Dokumentationsstelle for Thuringia. In her non-fiction book Die Unmutigen, die Mutigen. Feldforschung in der Mitte Deutschlands, she aims to raise awareness of the diversity of East German living environments and reflects on her own experiences of transformation.

Stephan Anpalagan, born in Sri Lanka in 1984 and raised in Wuppertal, is a qualified theologian and author. After working as a manager in business for many years, he is now managing director of the non-profit strategy consultancy Demokratie in Arbeit. His texts deal with the topics of home and identity. He is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the SWR podcast Gegen jede Überzeugung, he discussed the controversial topics of our society with Nicole Diekmann. Together with Ninia LaGrande, he hosts the VETO podcast Ganz schön laut! He is also a jury member of the Grimme Online Awards. In September 2023, his book Kampf und Sehnsucht in der Mitte der Gesellschaft was published by S. Fischer.

Insa Wilke is a literary critic. She writes for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and German radio, among others. She was a member of the lesenswert quartet on SWR television until 2024. At the beginning of the year, she attracted attention with her own literary platform Café lit. More information at: and .

- free admission

- 12 years and older

- German

- Mechanical Arena in the Foyer

- Part of: Talking About Ruptures

- Belongs to: Transform!

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