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Karya 1943

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Karya 1943

The exhibition
The multimedia and participatory exhibition is the first to show these historical photos in the context of the German occupation and the Holocaust. In 1943, Jewish forced labourers had to remove a rock for a passing siding at the Karya railway station. Most of them were murdered in Auschwitz after completion in August 1943. The exhibition is the result of a Greek-German educational project and a cooperation between the Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre, the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe and the University of Osnabrück. It will be presented in parallel in Greece and Germany. A website offers information and innovative learning materials.

Alternative events

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Sunday, 15/September/2024 14:00 (17 more dates)
Deutsches Historisches Museum
Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

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Urania Berlin - Garten im Innenhof
Kleiststraße 13, 10787 Berlin-Schöneberg
from €0.00

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Urania Berlin - Kleist-Saal
An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin-Schöneberg
from €8.00

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