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Im Rausch. Von Ekstase bis Erleuchtung

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In a frenzy. From ectasy to enlightment

Tandem tour. The path for two is half the distance

Besucher vor einer Vitrine mit Zigarrenhalter und Zigarre im Ethnologischen Museum – Besucher vor einer Vitrine mit Zigarrenhalter und Zigarre im Ethnologischen Museum

Besucher vor einer Vitrine mit Zigarrenhalter und Zigarre im Ethnologischen Museum – Besucher vor einer Vitrine mit Zigarrenhalter und Zigarre im Ethnologischen Museum

Coca, opium poppy, mushrooms and tobacco: objects in the Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst tell of how these and other substances were and are used medicinally, ritually or just for pleasure.

Presenting pipes, enemas, paintings, photographs, videos and drug containers, the tour conveys the various cultural meanings of intoxication and drug use.

It deals with economic aspects, legalization debates, addiction prevention as well as the "War on Drugs" and its links to colonialism and racism.

PARTICIPANTS: Carolina Pretell & Dr. Harry Thomaß


- 10,00 EUR / reduced 5,00 EUR per person

- from 12 years

- Language: German

- Focus: Ethnology

- Location: 2nd floor

Price: €10.00

Reduced price: €5.00

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Next date:
Saturday, 20/July/2024 11:00 (4 more dates)
Stadtinformation Prenzlau
Marktberg 2, 17291 Prenzlau
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Tamara-Danz-Straße 11, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
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