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Guided English Tour “Roads not Taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können”

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Guided English Tour “Roads not Taken. Or: Things could have turned out differently”

The tour focuses on selected turning points in German history. Starting with the Peaceful Revolution of 1989 in East Germany, visitors travel backwards to the revolutionary events of 1848. The exhibition not only focuses on the historical reality, but also shows an alternative possibility for each historical turning point. These unrealised possibilities are represented by original objects and visual spaces. History thus appears as an open process. The tour aims to stimulate debates on questions about the openness of history and explicitly encourages visitors to ask questions.

Price info: Public guided tour (plus admission): 3.00 €

Price: €3.00

Alternative events

Interaktive Kinderführung: „Rein ins Gemälde! Eine Zeitreise für Kinder”

In dem Rundgang durch die Ausstellung tauchen die Kinder gemeinsam mit den Führungsreferent*innen in die Zeit vor circa 500 Jahren ein. moreabout: Interaktive Kinderführung: „Rein ins Gemälde! Eine Zeitreise für Kinder”

Saturday, 14/December/2024 14:00 (9 more dates)
Deutsches Historisches Museum
Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte


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Next date:
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Reithalle Potsdam
Schiffbauergasse, 14467 Potsdam
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