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Filmscreening von „Mobilistan“ und Künstlervortrag über „Nowa Amerika“ mit anschließender Diskussion

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Film screening of "Mobilistan" and artist's talk on "Nowa Amerika" followed by a discussion

  • Mobilistan


  • Sitzung des "Słubfurter Parlamentes" vom 15.05.2024

    Sitzung des "Słubfurter Parlamentes" vom 15.05.2024


Mobilistan by Manaf Halbouni and Christian Manss does not focus on the journey along border lines, but understands the state itself as a mobile entity. Without further ado, Halbouni and Manss declared their limousine to be a state territory whose outer borders are marked by the car body, which can be entered or exited via the car doors. The mobile "state" has the familiar sign systems of a state, its own flag, national anthem and passport, and Halbouni, Manss and two comrades-in-arms decide as permanent residents who receives the citizenship of Mobilistan.MOBILISTAN - The first state in the space of a vehicle

Nowa America

"Nation states are constructions of reality that arise from the human need for narratives about oneself. They only exist because a sufficiently large number of people believe in them. With Słubfurt and Nowa Amerika, the artist aims to illustrate the strategies that lead individuals to identify with a nation state. At the same time, he offers alternative narratives and invites people to join in. Together with others, he lives as a laboratory in the cross-border urban space of Frankfurt (Oder) - Słubice, in a community of solidarity in which the dialectic of WE and OTHERS is undermined, in which there is only one WE."

The artists will then discuss the different artistic strategies in relation to borders. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Marta Smolińska (Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts Poznań), a curator of the exhibition Vom Teilen. Art on the (Polish-German) Border.Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: ZAK - Center for Contemporary Art

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