– Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen sitzt an einem großen Konferenztisch und arbeitet gemeinsam an einem Projekt. Auf dem Tisch liegen Papiere, Gläser, und Snacks. Im Hintergrund steht eine Frau, die die Gruppe beobachtet. Ein Flipchart mit farbigen Notizen ist sichtbar. Die Umgebung wirkt wie ein moderner Meetingraum mit Glaswänden und gemütlicher Atmosphäre.
© mabb, Melanie Wenzel
The escape game “Post it!” invites participants to explore the history of freedom of expression across different eras and political systems. Using a time machine, players journey to three pivotal moments: 1943, 1986, and 2021. Along the way, they solve puzzles, uncover historical artifacts, and learn how various media have been used to express opinions.
The game highlights the activities of resistance groups such as “The White Rose,” “The Red Orchestra,” and “Uncle Emil.” In a tightly controlled media landscape, leaflets and stickers were often the only tools for spreading public opinion. The experience encourages participants to compare these historical methods with today’s digital communication culture, where expressing an opinion seems to be just a click away.
In addition to this playful journey through time, the format creates space for discussions about the significance of freedom of expression and the value of open discourse – both then and now.
Price info: Free for visitors under 18.
Price: €8.00
Reduced price: €4.00
Booking: No registration is required.