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Embodied Practices: Voice-Session

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Embodied Practices: Voice Session

As part of "Nocturnes for a Society" - Immersive performance by Myriam Van Imschoot & Lucas van Haesbroeck

As part of the immersive performance “Nocturnes for a Society” by Myriam Van Imschoot and Lucas van Haesbroeck, audiences are invited to two “Embodied Practices” held in complement to the performances. These sessions focus on the production of felt as a shared practice and the voice as a medium of community building. These two exchange sessions make up the next instalment in Radialsystem’s series of “Embodied Practices”, which collectively explore forms of preserving and transmitting corporeal practices from different cultural contexts.

This voice session offers a special prelude to “Nocturnes for a Society” for whomever is curious about voice and sound. Sound artist Myriam Van Imschoot invites audiences to experience the concretely sonic and auditory connections – not only among one another but within Radialsystem’s acoustics and spaces as well. This session offers a relaxed and open environment in which to experience the power of one’s own voice. It includes a warm-up and several guided group improvisations.

Nocturnes for a SocietyMyriam Van Imschoot and Lucas van Haesbroeck’s performance Nocturnes for a Society enfolds the audience in a poetic soundscape over the course of a summer night, marking the start of Radialsystem’s new series Conjunctions - Acts of being in relation, a programme dedicated to the poetry of “being in relation”. The immersive sound experience of “Nocturnes” continues throughout the night, stretching into the early hours of the morning. The audience are active participants in an environment akin to an oasis of light, shadows, sounds, fabrics and dreams, opening space for associations and creating both an individual and shared experiential world.

Artists/Collaborators: Myriam Van Imshoot (Workshop-Leitung)

Media partnerships Radialsystem:tip Berlin, The Berliner, Rausgegangen, taz. die tageszeitung

InstructionMyriam Van Imshoot in collaboration with the team of "Nocturnes for a Society"

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