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draw love build / sauerbruch hutton tracing modernities

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draw love build / sauerbruch hutton tracing modernities

Guided tours

sauerbruch hutton: Jessop West, Sheffield

sauerbruch hutton: Jessop West, Sheffield

This twin exhibition presents around 60 projects by the Berlin-based architectural team sauerbruch hutton and allows them to enter into conversation with selected documents of architectural history.

On the occasion of the transfer of their advance legacy to the Academy’s Architectural Archives, Louisa Hutton and Matthias Sauerbruch and Tom Geister together with the curator Dirk van den Heuvel (TU Delft) have reconceived their retrospective exhibition “draw love build” and extended it significantly: iconic archival material from the first half of the 20th century generates surprising dialogues with contemporary positions. The approximately 100-year-old views of a rising generation serve as both inspiration and benchmark for an architecture that seeks to process current critical environmental and societal conditions.

The exhibition offers a comprehensive tour d‘horizon that can be explored in greater depth by visitors via a specially developed app. With additional, easily accessible information such as texts, drawings, photographs and films, each visitor can freely design their experience in terms of scope and subject area.

In addition, the film Sauerbruch Hutton Architekten by Harun Farocki from 2013 will be shown, which documents the everyday life and working methods of the office.

On Family Sundays, the KUNSTWELTEN invites everybody to build an urban landscape in open workshops. The result is “Biopolis – a future residential city”.

Price info: € 10/7
Free admission under 18 years, Tuesdays and every first Sunday of the month


Guided tours
€ 5 plus exhibition ticket

Price: €15.00

Reduced price: €12.00

Alternative events

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Sunday, 10/November/2024 14:00 (17 more dates)
Deutsches Historisches Museum
Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

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Next date:
Lauscherlounge präsentiert - Rotkäppchen und der (gar nicht so böse) Wolf *Premiere*
Sunday, 10/November/2024 15:00
ufaFabrik - Varieté-Salon
Viktoriastraße 10-18, 12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
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An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin-Schöneberg
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