Current language: English

Democracy - is it possible without it?

The rule of law in the sights of right-wing populism

Series: Life in dictatorships

2024 means: 75 years of the Basic Law, 35 years of the Peaceful Revolution and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then there are the upcoming state elections and the recent European elections. Right-wing populism and nationalism have been on the rise in Germany and Europe for years. Trust in democracy has declined in times of an increasingly complex, globalized world. Climate change, flight and migration, wars and pandemics are reinforcing this trend. The tone against democrats is becoming harsher - a stress test for democracy.

A glimmer of hope comes from Poland, as in 1989, 35 years after the first partially free elections and the Solidarność victory. This year, Poland can celebrate the democratic overcoming of the 10-year rule of the Law and Justice party (PiS). This put an end to the dismantling of democracy and restored the rule of law.

The fifth event in the Life in Dictatorships series will focus on experiences of political action and everyday life in democratic and authoritarian societies and expectations for the future of parliamentary democracy in Europe.

Welcome: Reiner Felsberg, Chairman of the Berlin Wall Memorial Association

Introduction: Nelson Tang, democracy ambassador in schools from the association Wider das Vergessen und gegen den Rassismus (Against Forgetting and Racism)

Basil Kerski, Director of the European Solidarity Center in Gdansk
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp, Head of the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany Unit at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin
Ricarda Budke, Member of the Brandenburg State Parliament in the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group

Moderation: Stephanie Reisinger, Project Manager at the Berlin State Office for Refugee Affairs

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Meeting point: Visitor Center, Berlin Wall Memorial, Bernauer Straße 119, 13355 Berlin


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