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Klima – Landschaft – Kunst. Kulturelle Bildung im Anthropozän

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Climate - Landscape - Art. Cultural education in the Anthropocene


Climate change not only affects ecosystems, landscapes and human living conditions, but also calls into question our understanding of nature, which has been the guiding principle for the natural sciences and humanities, education and art in the western world. The awareness of living "on a damaged planet" shifts nature - beyond its character as a resource for human purposes - into the focus of humanity's co-world.

So if the climate crisis goes hand in hand with a process of changing world views, what does this mean for cultural education? What concepts of the relationship between humans and nature underlie its proven premises? Is the concept of sustainability as a value and objective sufficient or do we need a fundamental reformatting of concepts and a change in practice? How can artistic-educational practices help shape the upcoming transformation?

The conference will explore these questions in a keynote speech, in discussions with experts and in practical panels, and will ask how cultural education can be shaped in the age of the Anthropocene. The conference is aimed at scientists, cultural mediators, actors in cultural education and education for sustainable development.

Program and further information:

The symposium is a joint event of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, the University of the Arts, the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg and the Plattform Kulturelle Bildung Brandenburg.

The conference will take place on Friday at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam).Translated with DeepL

Price info: Free admission

Booking: Registration by 17

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