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© Ausschnitt des Buchcovers »Der längste Schlaf« von Melanie Raabe
author Melanie Raabe talks about dreaming and sleepless nights with cultural journalist Katty Salié under the starry sky of the Zeiss-Großplanetarium. An event in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Berlin.
Melanie Raabe's new novel is all about sleep. A topic that affects a great many people, if you look at recent surveys that speak of six million people in Germany suffering from insomnia.
So does Melanie Raabe's protagonist, the scientist Mara Lux. The Londoner-by-choice is a leading sleep researcher, but she herself has been suffering from tormenting insomnia for many years. She fears her dreams, which sometimes seem to inexplicably spill over into reality. Mara, who is not only rational through and through, but also likes to have everything under control, finds this very difficult. She is hardly ever in Germany and her parents died young, so Mara is not a little surprised when she receives a message from a notary in Frankfurt one day: Someone wants to bequeath her a large, old manor house in the German provinces, anonymously. Mara believes it is a case of mistaken identity - and yet, having become curious, she travels to the small town, which is foreign to her, to take a look. She is astonished to discover that she is strangely connected to this place through her dreams.
Translated with DeepL
Price: €12.00
Reduced price: €10.00
Booking: Dates according to the calendar.
Please book via our ticket hotline:
Tel +49 30 421845-10 (Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm | Sat, Sun 10am - 5pm)