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"Berlin Global" in 60 Minuten in deutscher Sprache

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"Berlin Global" in 60 minutes in German language

Public guided tour

Besucher:innen – Besucher:innen

Besucher:innen – Besucher:innen

Spacious installations and exciting stories introduce visitors to seven different themed worlds in Berlin. In each room, special objects and stagings surprise the visitor.

In the middle of BERLIN GLOBAL stands a safe door, rusty and weighing tons. What does this two-meter tall object tell of expropriation and persecution, and why is it at the same time a symbol of the party scene of the 1990s? It's also worth looking up at the original lamps of the Palace of the Republic: How did Berliners have fun here 40 years ago?

Turn the "wheel of history" in 60 minutes, dance in the walk-in disco ball or discover the history of the place through the telescopes from the windows of the Humboldt Forum: The guided tour presents the historically and currently globally networked Berlin dialogically and interactively.


- Language: German

- Duration: 60 minutes

- Price: 14 EUR / 8 EUR reduced

- Please book your ticket in advance online or at the box office in the foyer.

- Dates and ticket booking for the coming month will be activated at the end of the previous month.

- Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays 11 a.m., Thursdays 4 p.m., Fridays 6 p.m., every two weeks also Saturdays 8 p.m

- 20 people

Meeting point & time: You will find the meeting point for guided tours on your booking confirmation. In order for the tour to begin on time, please arrive at the Humboldt Forum 15 minutes before the program begins. Please take this extra quarter of an hour into account when planning your visit. Thank you very much!

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