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Kunst und Aktivismus in Zeiten der Polarisierung

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Art and Activism in Times of Polarization

Discussion room on the Middle East conflict curated by Saba-Nur Cheema and Meron Mendel

The Neue Nationalgalerie invites you to a one-day symposium titled "Art and Activism in Times of Polarization: A Discussion Space on the Middle East Conflict" on Sunday, 24 November 2024 at Otto-Braun-Saal of the Staatsbibliothek. The specific reason for this critical examination of forms of activism in contemporary art is the current social and political situation. The symposium, featuring international guests, will be curated by political scientist Saba-Nur Cheema and historian and author Meron Mendel, and will address questions regarding the responsibility of political art in the current context of the Middle East conflict. In particular, the themes of anti-Semitism, racism, artistic freedom, and expressions of solidarity within the art world will be discussed.
Update 15.11.2024: Due to changes to the program, please find below the new schedule and the complete list of speakers of the symposium.
Statement 19.11.2024:
With the symposium ‘Art and Activism in Times of Polarization: Discussion room on the Middle East Conflict’, curated by Saba-Nur Cheema and Meron Mendel, we intend to provide much-needed space for a constructive, long overdue debate.
We are asking the urgent questions about the responsibility of political art in the current context of the Middle East conflict on the occasion of Nan Goldin's exhibition, as she stands for political engagement as an activist artist.
The symposium was organized independently of the artist. The museum informed the artist about its plans but did not ask for her permission. Neither the artist nor her work are the subject of discussion. The artist was invited to participate in the symposium but in the process declined to do so, making clear that she disagreed with the event and any association between it and her exhibition. In the current heated atmosphere, the process is challenging for everyone involved.
The important Nan Goldin exhibition, which is touring internationally, deserves a place in this city. We fully support the artist’s right to express her opinion, even if we don’t always agree with her. We are also convinced that a symposium like ours is long overdue and necessary at this time.
Key discussions will center on questions such as: “Can art foster solidarity and peace in the Middle East?” and “How can a constructive debate on artistic freedom take place in Germany?” The symposium will also examine how exclusionary practices within art and cultural institutions can be avoided. The international speakers include Leon Kahane, Sharon On, Ruth Patir, Remsi Al Khalisi, Muhammad Toukhy, and Osama Zatar.
Cheema and Mendel previously curated the widely discussed discourse program “Reflexes and Reflections: October 7, the Gaza War, and the German Debate” for the Berliner Festspiele in June 2024. Both are committed to Jewish-Muslim dialogue, combating antisemitism and Islamophobia, and examining the effects of the Middle East conflict on social cohesion in Germany.
This symposium offers a platform for diverse perspectives, with participants representing Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, Palestinian, and German voices.

10.15 – 10.45 amOpening remarks by Saba-Nur Cheema and Meron Mendel
10.45 am – 12.45 pmPanel 1: Issue of Conscience: Israel and the Role of the Middle East Conflict in the Art WorldPanelists: María Inés Plaza Lazo, Osama Zatar, Andreas Fanizadeh, Leon KahaneHost: Elke Buhr
12.45 pm – 1.45 pmBreak
1.45 – 2.10 pmImpulses: The Situation of Israeli, Jewish, Palestinian, and Muslim artists in BerlinSpeakers: Sharon On and Saba-Nur Cheema
2.10 – 4.10 pmPanel 2: Cultural Boycott: Purpose, Effects, and CriticismPanelists: Ruth Patir, Remsi Al Khalisi, Muhammad ToukhyHost: Meron Mendel
Day Ticket for the Symposium: 5 €
A maximum of 1 ticket per person can be purchased through the online shop.
There will be no box office on-site. Please note that capacity is limited and admission is only possible with a valid ticket. The symposium will be held bilingually in German and English. Simultaneous translation will be available via headphones.
Otto-Braun-Saal, Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 BerlinOpposite the Neue Nationalgalerie in the Staatsbibliothek.
Please note: The lecture hall is only partially barrier-free. If you have any questions, please contact us here.
Admission starts at 9.30 am. An awareness team will be on site to ensure that the symposium runs safely.
The symposium has been made possible by funding from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Affairs.
For further information or questions, please feel free to write to us.

Meeting point: Please note the venue: Otto-Braun-Saal, Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin / Opposite the Neue Nationalgalerie in the Staatsbibliothek.

Price: €5.00

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