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Triple Bill Performance

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Triple Bill Performance

  • The Perfect Vanishment

    The Perfect Vanishment

  • The Perfect Vanishment

    The Perfect Vanishment

  • The Perfect Vanishment

    The Perfect Vanishment

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • Emotion mirror

    Emotion mirror

  • A deer_ a Child of thirty-eight

    A deer_ a Child of thirty-eight

The evening will feature The Perfect Vanishment, Emotion Mirror and A deer_ a Child of thirty-eight, a total of three pieces by different choreographers.
The program of the evening:
The Perfect Vanishment by EunJung Kim/The Movement Lab“One morning I sighed deeply " Oh, I am opening my eyes again." And then, I imagined my perfect dissapearance. There shouldn’t be anything left about me anywhere in the world, even in any memories of others... Fading not only my body and soul away... but also my digital records. I wish a perfect moment for vanishing forever...”The idea for this work comes from the Buddhist figure of the Arhat, who, in addition to greed, hatred and delusion, can even make his soul disappear completely from the world. Nowadays it is difficult to disappear yourself because everything is recorded - your whole life is digitally recorded. This performance offers an impossible experience that makes perfect disappearance possible through imagination alone. The world premiere took place on stage in 2023 as part of Tanz Argument.
Emotion Mirror by MiYoung JeongIf the body tamed by habits and environment is a two-dimensional structure, Talking with Movement in this work is an attempt to make life three-dimensional through ‘self-consciousness.’ If habitual language and movement exclude unconscious desires, breathing and sound express the pain and resistance of the suppressed ego.
Ego #1 tries to turn away, but is always obsessed with the desire to become entangled with other egos.Ego #2 struggles to find his own solution, but follows the path of the other ego.Ego #3 cries out to be taken out of the dark cave, but is turned away.
A deer_ a Child of thirty-eight by Sona Kwon/SONAMOVEA total of three poems from poet Baek Seok's poetry collection Deer were taken as elements of movement. It combines the rhythmic elements of Korea's Jeong, Jung, and Dong and expresses them through movement. It is a work that asks questions to the audience, such as why the performer puts a flower in his mouth, why he only wears one sock and why he takes it off, and what the straight line of movement means.

Insgesamt 60 Minuten

The Perfect Vanishment (15 mins)Choreography and Dance: EunJung KimMedia art: Heeran Kim
Emotion Mirror (30 mins)Dance: Seonhwa Kwon, Eunjeong Kim, Jihye Kim, Yujeong Shim, Guseul Choi, Miyoung Jeong, Charlotte SmithLight design/Cooperation director: Taejin JeongMusic: Son HyeonChoreography: Jeong Mi-young
A deer_ a Child of thirty-eight (15 mins)Choreograpy and Performance: Sona Kwon
SONAMOVEThe group works on focusing on each and every movement. In an attempt to approach all daily movements with rhythm, they are even open to rhythmic dance. SONAMOVE focuses on five elements: effort, texture, flow, weight, and rhythm. The purpose is to elicit and guide the audience's intuitive inspiration rather than their understanding. The uniqueness of SONAMOVE can be condensed into breaking away from gender and boundaries between dance, action, and movement. Representative repertoire includes Breath' Sound_ Naturally Occurring Sound (2024), Colors of Nature (2023), and Sanjo: PL▶Y (2022).

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Next date:
Das Schweigen der Sirenen - Performance zum 100. Todestag von Franz Kafka
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Viktoriastraße 10-18, 12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
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Hole 44 (ehemals Galaxy Club)
Hermannstraße 146, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln
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