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The Infinite Gesture

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The Infinite Gesture

Performance by Ixchel Mendoza Hernández

A journey into the realm of interconnectedness: The new performance “The Infinite Gesture” by Ixchel Mendoza Hernández, which premieres at Radialsystem in mid-December, explores the transformative power of touch, connection and empathy. From the sensitive gesture of touch grows a deeply intertwined choreographic landscape in which three performers encounter each other and pose questions about our social co-existence. In “The Infinite Gesture”, they investigate different perspectives on coming-into-connection: From skin-to-skin contact to symbolic, metaphysical and societal dimensions of being together. In this performance, Ixchel Mendoza Hernández makes tangible the potential of touch to shift power hierarchies, dependencies and care and seeks alternative narratives for this network of relationships.  

For many years, Berlin-based choreographer and performer Mendoza Hernández has been exploring a phenomenon that she calls “Visual Ghost” – a continuously changing consciousness of perception and inner virtuality. In a world where visible and invisible, subjective and objective realities are closely interwoven, she investigates how the immaterial and the invisible can become “present” through physical experience. Using choreographic tools, she examines how we can reconstruct and reshape perceptual realities.

“The Infinite Gesture” will premiere at Radialsystem as part of the :LOVE: cooperation between Tanzfabrik Berlin and Radialsystem. With the initiative “Radialsystem ♥ Tanzfabrik”, the two institutions are working together to improve the labor and presentation conditions of dance professionals in Berlin.

Artists/Collaborators: Ixchel Mendoza Hernández (Konzept, Choreografie, Text und Performance), Sebastian Elias Kurth, Emeka Ene (Performance und Co-Kreation), Hyewon Suk (Sound und Musik), Annegret Schalke (Licht), Dora Đurkesac (Bühne), Louise Wach (Assistenz Bühne und Technik), Malena Mondéer (Kostüm), Jenny Mahla (Dramaturgie), Joséphine Evrard (Prozessbegleitung Perzeptive Pädagogik bdm), M.i.C.A. (Produktion), Swantje Henke, Gerald Pirner (Audiodeskription Text und Redaktion)

A production by Ixchel Mendoza Hernández, in co-production with Radialsystem and Tanzfabrik Berlin. With the kind support of Something Great - Zentrum für Internationales Zeitgenössische Darstellende Künste, Ruhner Berge and Werkstatt für Darstellende Künste e.V.. Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Media partnerships: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, taz - die tageszeitung, tip Berlin.

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