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Tanz im August: Sea of Silence

Tamara Cubas

Migration has existed since the dawn of history; no society has remained untouched by it. Based on an international research process spanning many years, Tamara Cubas recounts the particular migration journeys of women from different continents. On a stage covered with salt, personal stories in the form of songs, dances, ritual and texts unfold. “Sea of Silence” revolves around an ungraspable centre: experiences that cannot be uttered, longings that are stronger than reason. Cubas honours the immense powers of women: their resilience, their unconditional will to survive, and their disobedience to the oppressive powers of patriarchy.

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Artists/Collaborators: Tamara Cubas (Konzept und Künstlerische Leitung), Alicia Laguna (Regieassistenz), Alejandra Wolff, Hadeer Moustafa, Karen Daneida, Noelia Coñuenao, Ocheipeter Marie, Sekar Tri Kusuma, Dani Mara (Mit), Francisco Lapetina (Ton und musikalische Assistenz), Gabriel Calderón (Dramaturgische Kollaboration), Ivana Dominguez (Licht), Brian Ojeda (Kostümbild), Tamara Cubas (Szenografie), Felipe Villamarzo (Produktionsmanagement)

A production by Damaged Goods and EIRA, in co-production with Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Fuorimargine and Perpodium. Supported by the Flemish Government, the Commission of the Flemish Community, the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest,  and the Portuguese Government - Ministry of Culture, Directorate General for the Arts and the Municipality of Lisbon. With kind support of CAMÕES BERLIM.

Presented by Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer.Tanz im August is a festival of HAU Hebbel am Ufer, funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.


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