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Les égarés

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Les égarés

»Les égarés« (die vom Weg Abgekommenen) ist von Baudelaires »Les Fleurs du Mal« inspiriert und geht weiterhin den Spuren der Conditio Humana nach.

»les égarés« (those who have strayed from the path) is inspired by Baudelaire’s »Les Fleurs du Mal« and continues to trace the human condition.

In Baudelaire’s »Les Fleurs du Mal« one does not find a general rejection of the world, but on the contrary an autopsy of discomfort, evil, and suffering. His poems, which stand for the beginning of ›Modern‹ European poetry, are not only about contradictions, but also about the disruption and transience of human existence.

Today we can go neither forward nor backward, into a world that threatens to pass away. »We are on the run, in the intermediate realm. We are in a de-centred life. our form of existence is the rapidity and adaptability to the constantly changing conditions of our lives…«  (Roger Willemsen)

»les égarés« is visually read like a choreographic essay, interpreted by eight dancers. They are like trapped in a space, repelled from the here. lonely and together, sprayed in a swarm of attentions…

Artists/Collaborators: Rafael Abreu (Tanz/ Kreation), Daniel Afonso (Tanz/ Kreation), Francesca Bedin (Tanz/ Kreation), Laura Beschi (Tanz/ Kreation), Sarah Böhmer (Public Relations), Félix Deepen (Tanz/ Kreation), Domenik Engemann (Lichtdesign), Alice Gaspari (Assistenz), Felix Grimm (Technische Leitung), Felix Grimm (Lichtdesign), Karolina Kardasz (Tanz/ Kreation), Amandine Lamouroux (Tanz/ Kreation), Toula Limnaios (Kostüme), Toula Limnaios (Konzept/ Choreographie/ Bühne), Ralf R. Ollertz (Musik), Jan Römer (Licht/ Bühnentechnik), Marie Schmieder (Tourneen/ Kooperationen), Philine Stich (Bühnenbildassistenz), Hironori Sugata (Tanz/ Kreation), Kristina Weiß-Busch (Kostüme)

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