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Lecture by Lucinda Childs

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Lecture by Lucinda Childs

Performing Arts Season 2024/2025

Lucinda Childs – Porträt von Lucinda Childs

Lucinda Childs – Porträt von Lucinda Childs

Lucinda Childs was born in New York City in 1940. In 1963, she began her career as a dancer, choreographer and founding member of the Judson Dance Theater in New York. Ten years later, in 1973, she founded her own company, for which she has created more than 50 works so far. She forged long-standing partnerships with artists like Philip Glass, Robert Wilson, Sol LeWitt, John Adams and Frank Gehry. She was introduced to the Berlin audience through Nele Hertling’s work at the Academy of the Arts. Since 1980, Lucinda Childs has been directing and choreographing works at major opera houses and for ballet companies such as the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, the Bavarian State Ballet, the Martha Graham Dance Company, the Los Angeles Opera or the Opéra national du Rhin. She has received numerous awards and distinctions: She was declared a Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and received the Gold Lion at the 2017 Dance Biennale in Venice as well as the 2022 Dance Magazine Award.

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