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KIBARÉ | Kuyum Tanzplattform 24

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KIBARÉ | Kuyum dance platform 24

  • KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

    KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

  • KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

    KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

  • KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

    KIBARÉ, Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

Based on a text by the Haitian Woodkend Eugene, the confrontation of violence that arises from the revolts of the oppressed as a reaction to the violence they have suffered, using Haiti as an example, representative of all the peoples of Africa and the world, where a few enrich themselves at the expense of many others.

The dancer kneels with her back to the audience, listening and immersing herself in the evocation of the flaws and violence of a system that exploits and misgoverns the poor. Carried by lyrics and melodies that echo Woodkend Eugene’s stirring article, the dancer rises and celebrates the power of liberation and the courage of the oppressed to stand up against the violence and crimes they have suffered.

Direction, Choreography, Performance: Florent Sidnoma Nikiéma

Theaterhaus Berlin

Alternative events

Serrated Edges von Kosmas Kosmopoulos und Luna Park

Serrated Edges beschwört die Dualität des Körpers, in seiner Anwesenheit und in seiner Abwesenheit, mit seinen Bewegungen und Gesten, mit Bildern, Worten, Geräuschen, Flüstern, Schreien, Klagen, Lachen und Schweigen. Die Tanzperformance steht wie viele... moreabout: Serrated Edges von Kosmas Kosmopoulos und Luna Park

Next date:
Serrated Edges
Sunday, 29/September/2024 20:00
St. Elisabeth-Kirche
Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin-Mitte
from €15.00

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until 03/10/2024
Alte Neuendorfer Kirche
Neuendorfer Anger 1, 14482 Potsdam
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