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Instrument Jam

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Instrument Jam

As part of utopia – european ensemble network for dance, the Italian Compagnia Zappalà Danza is making its third guest appearance at the HALLE Tanzbühne Berlin. There, Italian choreographer Roberto Zappalà will present the German premiere of »Instrument Jam«: through music and dance, he portrays a boundless Sicily on stage, in which tradition and modernity meet, cross paths and merge.

»Instrument Jam« is the dazzling quintessence of the »Instrument« trilogy, developed by Roberto Zappalà through three consecutive stages, each dedicated to a different instrument: the two traditional Sicilian instruments Marranzano and Drums, as well as the modern percussion instrument Hang, which was invented in the 21st century. »Instrument Jam« brings all three instruments together for the first time in a choreography for seven male dancers. On stage, the musical echoes of the instruments reverberate through the dance, creating new suggestions and resonances; echoes that develop and produce other echoes. Together they continue a journey that the choreographer has undertaken to reinterpret Sicily through his choreographic language.

Artists/Collaborators: Samuele Arisci (Tanz/Kollaboration), Nello Calabrò (Text), Puccio Castrogiovanni (Musik (Maultrommel)), Puccio Castrogiovanni (Originalmusik (live)), Federica Cincotti (Tour Management), Filippo Domini (Tanz / Kollaboration), Salvo Farruggio (Musik (Hang)), Fernando Roldan Ferrer (Tanz / Kollaboration), Maria Inguscio (General Management), Gaetano Leonardi (Sound Engineer), Veronica Pitea (Presse), Roberto Provenzano (Tanz / Kollaboration), Salvatore Romania (Tanz / Kollaboration), Antoine Roux-Briffaud (Tanz / Kollaboration), Vittorio Stasi (Management), Sammy Torrisi (Technische Leitung), Arnaldo Vacca (Musik (Drums)), Roberto Zappalà (Licht/ Raum/ Kostüme), Roberto Zappalà (Künstlerische Leitung/ Choreographie), Erik Zarcone (Tanz / Kollaboration)

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With VIEW.POINT.MARY, Cranky Bodies a/company celebrate Mary Overlie, the original anarchist of postmodern dance. Her legendary horizontal laboratory is created in the landscape of EDEN Studio 300, where dance, sound, costume and sculpture move in ever-changing... moreabout: VIEW.POINT.MARY

Next date:
Saturday, 02/November/2024 19:00
Dock 11 - Eden
Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow
from €18.02

Café am Nil: Love & Passion Show

Liebe und Hingabe sind die stärksten Impulse im orientalischen Tanz.    Das ist die Antriebsfeder von der Café am Nil Erfinderin Katharina Joumana. Café am Nil ist eine Orient Show in der die ganze Schönheit und Kunst des orientalischen Tanz in seiner... moreabout: Café am Nil: Love & Passion Show

Next date:
Café am Nil - Love & Passion Show
Saturday, 02/November/2024 20:00
ufaFabrik - Theatersaal
Viktoriastraße 10-18, 12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
from €34.00

View.Point.Mary | Cranky Bodies a/company

Mit VIEW.POINT.MARY feiert Cranky Bodies a/company Mary Overlie, die originelle Anarchistin des postmodernen Tanzes. In der Landschaft des EDEN Studios 300 entsteht ihr legendäres, horizontales Labor, wo sich Tanz, Sound, Kostüm und Skulptur in immer... moreabout: View.Point.Mary | Cranky Bodies a/company

Sunday, 03/November/2024 16:00
Dock 11 - Eden
Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow
from €18.02

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