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Flying High

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Flying High

Das Ensemble der Jugendkompanie tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf mit "Flying High" – Performer*innen auf der Bühne, eine im Vordergrund durchbricht tanzend eine Mauer aus großen weißen Würfeln.

Das Ensemble der Jugendkompanie tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf mit "Flying High" – Performer*innen auf der Bühne, eine im Vordergrund durchbricht tanzend eine Mauer aus großen weißen Würfeln.

Jugendkompanie tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf


The youth company of the tanzhaus nrw goes in search of happiness. What makes me happy? What is stopping me from being happy? Together with the dancers and choreographers Nora Pfahl and Takao Baba, they show what power and influence dance can have on one's well-being, what spaces of happiness still exist in everyday life and how people can find their own secret of happiness.

In a joint discussion about what young people are most concerned about at the moment, it emerged that for many, school is a space that is associated with stress and excessive demands. Everyone agreed that dance, on the other hand, is a way to escape this stress. Together with dancers and choreographers Nora Pfahl and Takao Baba, the youth company shows what power and influence dance can have on our well-being, what spaces of happiness there are in everyday life and how everyone can find their own secret to happiness.

The tanzhaus nrw youth company is made up of pupils aged 12 to 18 who attend various schools in Düsseldorf and NRW and already have previous dance experience. The young people develop the movement material, choreographic elements and sequences together with the teachers, but develop the majority of the scenes independently. Various dance impulses and dance forms flow into the programme, merging classical, contemporary and urban elements.

By and with

Maya Alhammoud, Trish Boamah, Emma Fischer-Fels, Kassandra Giftaki, Max Illner, Benjamin Jansen, Miyako Kowalsky, Michaela Constanze Müller, Ben Stüttgen, Malu Thiersch, Florinda van Dijk, Marie Yamada

Takao Baba, Nora Pfahl – Directors

Moritz Turek – Light design

Felix Küppers – Video projection

Maxie Rosenkranz – Costumes and stage assistant

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Saturday, 21/September/2024 19:00 (1 more date)
Hebbel am Ufer - HAU3
Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg
from €22.00

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Next date:
Das Schweigen der Sirenen - Performance zum 100. Todestag von Franz Kafka
Saturday, 21/September/2024 20:00
Viktoriastraße 10-18, 12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
from €22.95

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