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Film: (t)Raum

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Film: (t)Raum

(t) RAUM, grenzen | los | tanzen Ensemble – Untere Bildhälfte: Sieben Jugendliche in Mänteln und mit neongelben Mützen stehen vor einem rostfarbenen Gebäude. Jede Person steht zwischen einer Säule. Alle neigen den Kopf nach links und schauen nach vorne. Obere Bildhälfte: Wir sehen kahle Bäume vor einem weißen Hintergrund. Dieser Teil des Bildes ist verschwommen

(t) RAUM, grenzen | los | tanzen Ensemble – Untere Bildhälfte: Sieben Jugendliche in Mänteln und mit neongelben Mützen stehen vor einem rostfarbenen Gebäude. Jede Person steht zwischen einer Säule. Alle neigen den Kopf nach links und schauen nach vorne. Obere Bildhälfte: Wir sehen kahle Bäume vor einem weißen Hintergrund. Dieser Teil des Bildes ist verschwommen

grenzen | los | tanzen Ensemble, grenzen | los | tanzen, Munich


This interdisciplinary artistic short film was created in collaboration between eight young people from Munich together with the dancers Wiebke Dobers and Lara Paschke. Based on the concepts of dream and space, the dancers explore the different realities of their lives. They share their thoughts, express their wishes, tell and dance fantastic stories.

Where does youth have space? What spaces does she dream of?

Are young people involved in social discourse? Who owns public space and where do young people find their place there? The way in which spaces are organised has an impact on life. In society, in the city, at school, in their social environment or in their own homes, young people do not always have the space they need. We want to reclaim space and make it accessible to everyone. We dream of a space without exclusion and without barriers, a space with participation.

Everything is always 100 per cent. Now. In the moment. So always: Real! Really!

“(t)RAUM” is an interdisciplinary dance art short film developed by eight young people from Munich together with dance artists Wiebke Dobers and Lara Paschke. Based on the concepts of dream and space, a research journey through the different realities of life and diverse everyday worlds of the young dancers was created. The film collage “(t)RAUM” serves as a mouthpiece, forum and platform for the topics, wishes and needs of the young artists. At the same time, the film offers a space for reflection to compare and question different realities. to compare and scrutinise different realities.

This ensemble of eight young dancers was formed from the participatory dance project grenzen | los | tanzen. The group has known each other for a long time, they grew up together and they all share a close friendship. The grenzen | los | tanzen project has been cooperating with shelters and anchor centres for people with a refugee background since 2015 and offers contemporary dance for children and young people on site.


By and with

Divine Aigbe, Ermias Awet, Rugiatu Conteh, Mishkah Najjar, Malak Najjar, Bolaji Abdulrazaq Ojolowo, Adolfazel Rezaei, Rezheen Ahmad Salih

Wiebke Dobers, Lara Paschke – Dance project management and production

Lily Erlinger – film and editing

Johannes Jannasch – Coaching

Divine Aigbe, Ermias Awet, Rugiatu Conteh, Mishkah Najjar, Malak Najjar, Bolaji Abdulrazaq Ojolowo, Adolfazel Rezaei, Rezheen Ahmad Salih in close collaboration with Wiebke Dobers and Lara Paschke – Choreography

Nicolas Kücken – music production

Jakob Lakner – bass clarinet

Giusy Quattrone – Artistic direction and choreography

Maria Elena Curzi – Co-choreography

Caterina Geromini – Costume and communication

Anke Jäger – Stage design and photography


A cooperation project between grenzen | los | tanzen, Fokus Tanz | Tanz und Schule e. V. and Diakonie in München und Oberbayern - Innere Mission München e. V., realised with the support of the City of Munich's Department of Culture.

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