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Disko für Alle

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Disko für Alle

Disko für Alle

Disko für Alle

People from different communities and at different stages of life come together under the roof of the Heizhaus: at the Disco for All! Curated by Dina Nurpeissova, the event combines a live music performance and a DJ set. Once a month, we want to let all stages of life sparkle - young or old, come as you are, we look forward to dancing with you! With the Disco for All at the Cultural Community Center, we hope to create a safer space.
The format Slippery Encounters will also take place on all dates as part of the Disco for All. In Slippery Encounters drag performers from the queer subcultural scene are paired with dramaturgs, set designers, costume designers and choreographers from the Berlin independent dance scene to produce short performances during the CCC. This project is curated and moderated by drag queen and choreographer Olympia Bukkakis. Come along and see the results of these hot exchanges!
Program November 2: Set by Duo PAYE live (Turkish Foltronica)Slippery Encounters Performances DJane Ayacantstop

5 Stunden

Disco for All is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion as part of LIFETIMES - A CULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTER.Curated by Dina Nurpeissova

Alternative events


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The Hunger
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