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The Johnny Cash Show

The Cashbags around US singer Robert Tyson are Europe's most sought-after Johnny Cash revival band. The musical quartet takes its audience on a journey to the America of the 50s and 60s.

Experience the fantastic Cashbags live and open air - the "Man in Black" would have been damn proud of these 4 guys!

The archaic quartet playing the "Boom-Chicka-Boom" sound takes its audience on a journey to the America of the 50s and 60s and offers with authentic voice, Western guitar, Telecaster, double bass and drums in detail all the classics in the context of a rousing show, leaning on the original concerts of that time with musical guests such as Carl Perkins, Hank Williams and The Stapler Brothers. Songs from Johnny Cash's 90s late phase are celebrated with guitar and piano in a special acoustic part.

Artists/Collaborators: The Cashbags

Runtime: Thu, 28/11/2024 to Fri, 28/11/2025

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