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Understanding Prison

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MENA Prison Forum in Berlin

Understanding Prison

The MENA Prison Forum is dedicated to researching prison culture in the MENA region. The interdisciplinary, international network includes former prisoners, filmmakers, academics and activists from various countries. Together with medico international and HAU, the organisers are presenting parts of their work as a series of events at HAU which takes place instead of a conference planned for December 2023. In a mixture of concert and discourse, on 27 November the focus will be on Sednaya Prison. To counter the oppressive soundscape in the cells of the notorious prison in Syria, a group of political prisoners founded a music group there 30 years ago. They built their instruments from leftover food, clothing threads and other prison materials. After several decades, the musicians recently came together again and will now play their songs live for the first time on replicas of the instruments originally built in prison. Afterwards, the panelists will discuss the long history of imprisonment, torture and human rights crimes in Syria, which have taken on a whole new dimension since the bloody suppression of the 2011 revolution and the ongoing civil war.

Credits auf englischer Seite noch übersetzen: A cooperation by MENA Prison Forum, medico international and HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Supported by: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Alternative events

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Karl-Marx-Allee 133, 10243 Berlin
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Next date:
Die Weihnachtsfeier
Wednesday, 27/November/2024 19:30 (12 more dates)
Renaissance-Theater Berlin
Knesebeckstraße 100, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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Fasanenstraße 79/80, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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