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Duo ID | Abschlusskonzert in Erinnerung an Mamlok und Meerbaum

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Duo ID | Final concert in memory of Mamlok and Meerbaum

Duo ID

Duo ID

On February 4, 2024, Detlef Bensmann and Itay Dvori (Duo ID) performed a concert to mark the 100th anniversary of Selma Meerbaum's birth. Due to the positive response and the importance of the topic - not letting the victims of National Socialism be forgotten - Duo ID will perform again, but with a different program, in the ballroom of Schloss Britz.

A special virtual guest will be the composer Ursula Mamlok. Her work "Rückblick", composed in New York in 2006, reflects the Reichsprogromnacht on November 9, 1938, which Mamlok experienced in Berlin before she managed to flee to America. During this time, Selma Meerbaum wrote poems for her lover in Czernowitz before she was deported to an SS labor camp in 1942 and died on December 16 of the same year.

The concert will feature poems by Selma Meerbaum, recited by Itay Dvori and Detlef Bensmann, accompanied and commented on by music. Pieces by Erwin Schulhoff, Wolfgang Jacobi and Paul Dessau, whose compositions were banned under National Socialism, will be performed.

With works by Ursula Mamlok, Wolfgang Jacobi, Erwin Schulhoff, Detlef Bensmann,Itay Dvori, Paul Dessau, Maurice Ravel and György Ligeti.Translated with DeepL

Price: €18.00

Reduced price: €13.00

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