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Simon Roturier, Angelo de Leo, Micha Afkham, Solène Kermarrec

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String quartets by Schumann and Rihm

Whether in the 19th or 20th century: The string quartet is the supreme genre of chamber music, and every composer must consider it. Robert Schumann’s quartet cycle op. 41 is a stroke of genius; members of the Berliner Philharmoniker play numbers 1 and 3. Inspired by the quartets of Beethoven and Mendelssohn, Schumann created his own musical cosmos, full of poetry and instrumental song. Our late Composer in Residence Wolfgang Rihm, on the other hand, favours contrasts in his Fourth String Quartet. On the one hand, his work appears brusque, passionate and effervescent; on the other, tender, intimate and poetic.

Alternative events

3. Berliner Schulchorpreis

Mit dem Schulchorpreis ermöglicht der Chorverband Berlin Chören der Berliner Grundschulen und weiterführenden Schulen jährlich, sich einer Jury mit selbstgewähltem Repertoire zu präsentieren, andere Chöre kennenzulernen und in den gegenseitigen Austausch... moreabout: 3. Berliner Schulchorpreis

Wednesday, 04/June/2025 9:00
FEZ-Berlin - Landesmusikakademie Berlin
Straße zum FEZ 2, 12459 Berlin-Köpenick
from €0.00

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