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Spandau Havelfest


Three days, two stages, a dozen live music acts as well as amusement rides and other attractions will delight visitors of the Spandauer Havelfest.

The festival is held on Lindenufer in Spandau where the rivers Spree and Havel meet. Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to enjoy fun for the whole family at this year's Havelfest. Many attractions and rides, a wide variety of live music acts, culinary specialties and drinks will be on offer.

At a Glance

Spandauer Havelfest 2025
Not yet known
Lindenufer in Spandau
Opening hours
Friday from 3 to 11 pm, Saturday from 11 am to 11 pm, Sunday from 11 am to 8 pm
Admission Fee
Not yet known

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Last edited: 5 July 2024