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Corona rules extended, testing regulations adapted


Corona rapid tests with positive (left) and negative results.

The Berlin Senate has adjusted the rules for Coronavirus tests. In the future, a certified rapid test will no longer be required after a positive self-test.

The reason for this: The rapid tests in test centers are no longer free of charge for everyone since the end of June, according to a federal regulation. Therefore, the regulation of the country will be adjusted accordingly with effect from July 27, the health administration announced on Tuesday.

Entitlement to confirmatory testing after positive self-tests

In the future, however, it will still be possible for anyone to visit a doctor after a positive self-test without expert supervision and have a rapid antigen test or a PCR test performed there for confirmation. This route is also recommended, according to the Senate Department for Health.

Test certificates still necessary in certain cases

As proof of infection for employers, for example, infected individuals will continue to need a certificate of a positive rapid test at a testing center or confirmation from a physician of a positive rapid test or a positive PCR test. PCR retesting is no longer mandatory in cases where the self-test without expert supervision is positive and a subsequent certified rapid test is negative, it added.

Rapid tests no longer generally free of charge

The federal government had decided in June that only rapid tests for certain risk groups would remain free of charge in test centers. For all others, three euros per Corona test will generally be payable out of pocket.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Coronavirus Information
Publication date: 20 July 2022
Last updated: 20 July 2022

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