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Coronavirus Infection Protection Ordinance to be updated


A man holds up his smartphone with a digital certificate of recovery in front of a pharmacy logo.

At today's meeting of the Berlin Senate (Feb. 1, 2022), several issues related to Coronavirus are on the agenda. Among other things, the status of recovery and quarantine rules will be discussed. The plan is to adapt the Berlin Infection Protection Ordinance.

Status "recovered" to be One point that caused irritation and anger last week is the different deadlines for convalescent status. At the federal level, it now ends after three months. In Berlin, this regulation already applies to public transport. However, the Berlin ordinance, which regulates areas such as gastronomy, still provides for six months - this is now to be changed.valid for three months

One subject that caused irritation and anger last week were the different validity deadlines for the status "recovered". At the federal level, the validity ends after three months. In Berlin, this regulation already applies to public transport. However, the Berlin Infection Protection Ordinance, which regulates areas such as the restaurant sector, still speaks of a validity of six months - this is now to be changed.

No more general requirement for PCR tests

As the Senate announced, there will also be changes to the quarantine rules. Among other things, PCR tests will no longer be generally required if, for example, a rapid test has shown an indication of infection or if infected persons or close contacts want to clear themselves from isolation or quarantine. The obligation to document attendance will also be dropped in the future.

Change in maximum number of attendees for events

Another detailed change concerns the regulation for upper limits for attendees at events. According to the Berlin ordinance, children and young people under the age of 14 are currently not counted, but this exception will no longer exist in the future. Also to be included in the ordinance is an FFP2 mask mandate in places of higher education. Due to the absence of the Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD), the meeting will be chaired by her deputy Bettina Jarasch (Green Party).

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 1 February 2022
Last updated: 1 February 2022

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