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BeoKiz programme starts: Promoting the development of day-care centre children


In future, staff in Berlin's daycare centres will be able to keep an even closer eye on how children are developing and where they still need support.

The Senate Department for Education and Family Affairs has announced that the BeoKiz programme will be launched this year. The aim is to continuously monitor children at an early stage in order to provide targeted support for their individual development. One focus is on language development and the transition from daycare centre to primary school.

Launch in around 500 daycare centres

Among other things, the child's development and learning processes are to be recorded in a so-called book of the child. Education Senator Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) announced the Berlin-wide introduction of the BeoKiz process. She said that it provides a scientifically sound tool for holistically observing and documenting children's development and learning processes at an early stage: "It is particularly important to me that the educational content can be linked to primary school, because only a successful transition enables a successful educational biography." The procedure is to be introduced in around 500 daycare centres from this year and the process is to be completed by the 2027/28 daycare year.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 10 September 2024
Last updated: 10 September 2024

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