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Berlin Senate is planning heat action plan

Berlin am Morgen

In view of climate change, the Berlin Senate is planning a state-wide heat action plan.

The aim is to reduce the health risks posed by heat for the Berlin population, as Health Senator Ina Czyborra (SPD) announced on Tuesday.

Action plan to include short and long-term measures

An interdepartmental working group will be responsible for the content. The plan will ultimately be adopted by the Senate in 2025. Possible measures in the action plan include the creation of cool rooms and shaded areas, the use of the German Weather Service's heat warning system and long-term measures in the planning of buildings, neighborhoods and green spaces. The working group will start this summer.

Focus on particularly vulnerable groups

According to the senator, the heat is a particular burden for elderly people, people in need of care, the chronically ill and the homeless. "In recent years, the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care has worked together with many different stakeholders in Berlin's health and care system to promote heat protection." In 2022, the Aktionsbündnis Hitzeschutz (Heat Protection Action Alliance) was founded - an association of various stakeholders from Berlin's healthcare sector, to better protect the population from extreme temperatures.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 14 May 2024
Last updated: 14 May 2024

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