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Senate proclaims Magnus Hirschfeld Day

Alfonso Pantisano

Archive: Alfonso Pantisano (SPD), Queer Berlin Liaison Officer.

With the "Magnus Hirschfeld Day" on May 14, the Berlin Senate wants to commemorate one of the first activists who campaigned against queer hostility and for an understanding of homosexuality.

The doctor and sex researcher Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) is considered one of the co-founders of the first homosexual movement. Together with the Berlin Queer Liaison Officer Alfonso Pantisano (SPD), SPD Senator for Social Affairs Cansel Kiziltepe provided information on Wednesday at the Schwules Museum about the campaigns and events surrounding May 14.

Wreath-laying ceremony at the Hirschfeld memorial stele

Hirschfeld is regarded as the founder and director of the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin, one of the first institutions of its kind in the world. "It was a particular concern of ours to enshrine this in the coalition agreement, so that Berlin, as the rainbow capital, also officially has a "Magnus Hirschfeld Day"," emphasized Kiziltepe. On May 14, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial stele for Magnus Hirschfeld on Otto-Suhr-Allee. On the eve of May 14, the Senate is planning a commemorative event entitled "Magnus Hirschfeld - Soul of the Queer Community".

Queer Liaison Officer: Hirschfeld Day is also a shield for democracy

Alfonso Pantisano pointed out that violence against queer people is on the rise. "One of Magnus Hirschfeld's warnings is that we must protect what we have achieved," said the queer representative. Many of the achievements of that time are at stake again today. All the more reason for the project to be a "reminder to us all to celebrate this Magnus Hirschfeld Day in such a way that we also see it as a protective shield for democracy", Pantisano emphasized.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 10 May 2024
Last updated: 10 May 2024

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