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Many shift workers to be able to park for free in Berlin in future

Parkende Autos auf der Fischerinsel in Berlin-Mitte

People who work in Berlin late at night or early in the morning, for example for the police, fire brigade, in hospital or for a care service, are to be exempt from parking charges more easily in future.

This is provided for in a new regulation agreed by the Senate at its meeting on Tuesday. According to this, employees of so-called public services or systemically relevant professions can park their cars free of charge in parking zones where others have to pay. This was announced by Transport Senator Manja Schreiner (CDU) on Tuesday.

Simplification and standardisation of procedures

Schreiner pointed out that the possibility of free parking is not completely new, but that the procedure has been simplified and standardised. In future, the new regulation will apply to employees who start work before 6.30 am or after 10.30 pm.

Start date of the new regulation has not yet been set

The Council of Mayors from the districts is to consider the issue next. According to Schreiner, it is not yet possible to say when the new regulation will apply. It is also not possible to make a reliable estimate of how many employees will be eligible for the offer. However, she assumes that there will definitely be more than before, said Schreiner.

"Sign of appreciation"

The relevant professional groups also include, for example, employees of the waste collection service and the gas, water and electricity supply companies when they are on duty. The new regulation is a sign of appreciation for the people who ensure that Berlin runs smoothly, said Schreiner.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 7 November 2023
Last updated: 7 November 2023

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