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Federal government and Berlin secure Hamburger Bahnhof for 170 million

With a total of around 170 million euros, the federal government and the state of Berlin have secured the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum as a location for contemporary art.

  • Giffey und Roth

    Franziska Giffey (l, SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, welcomes Hermann Parzinger (r), President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, to a press conference at the Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart in Hamburger Bahnhof. Daniel Wesener (2nd from left, Bündis90/Die Grünen), Berlin's Senator for Finance, and Claudia Roth (2nd from right), Minister of State and Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, also attend.

  • Hamburger Bahnhof

    The building of the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum for Contemporary Art on Invalidenstraße.

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