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Almost eleven million euros for the "Network of Warmth"

Katja Kipping

Berlin's Social Senator Katja Kipping

The Senate wants to provide almost eleven million euros for the so-called Network of Warmth with Berlin-wide places for social exchange.

The Senate has passed a resolution to this effect, as Social Senator Katja Kipping (Left Party) said on Tuesday after its meeting. According to the concept of the social administration, "places of encounter and social exchange" are to be brought together and expanded into the network. Kipping mentioned libraries, district and family centres as examples.

Reinforcing social unity

The aim is reportedly to strengthen the social infrastructure and social cohesion in the city in the face of inflation and rising energy prices. The coordination is to be taken over by a social agency on behalf of the state of Berlin - according to the motto "It is better to get through the crisis together than alone", as Kipping explained. The goal is not to create permanent jobs with the money, but to expand the range of social counselling services, for example, said the social senator.

Network is part of Berlin's relief package

The project is part of the relief package announced by the Senate in response to inflation and rising energy costs. The House of Representatives still has to vote on the financing of the relief package and thus also on the money for the "Network of Warmth". This also applies to the hardship fund, which is intended for Berlin households threatened by energy cut-offs due to the unexpected energy price jumps and which the senate has also decided on.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 25 October 2022
Last updated: 25 October 2022

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