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Senate discusses climate policy and energy costs

Plenarsitzung Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus

How the Senate can help the people of Berlin, who are particularly suffering from the consequences of inflation, is the topic of discussion in the House of Representatives on Thursday (June 09, 2022).

The state parliament is discussing this at the request of the CDU parliamentary group. The Christian Democrats demand from the red-green-red senate, among other things, the inclusion of pensioners and students in the topic of the energy cost flat rate. Social Senator Katja Kipping (Left Party) will respond on behalf of the governing coalition.

Climate neutrality to be achieved by 2045

The agenda also includes a debate on the petition for a referendum "Berlin 2030 climate neutral". The Senate has already decided that the goal for Berlin to reach climate neutrality by 2030 - and not by 2045 as previously planned - is going too far. It decided at the beginning of May not to make a recommendation to the House of Representatives to adopt the corresponding bill. A majority in the state parliament is also considered highly unlikely. Last week, the Environment Committee also came out in favor of rejection.

Discussion about candidates for investigative committee

The AfD candidates for the committee of inquiry into the series of right-wing extremist attacks in Berlin-Neukölln will also be put to the vote. They had already failed twice because there was not the necessary simple majority for them. The constituent committee meeting was therefore postponed to June 16. According to Berlin's Investigative Committee Act, each parliamentary group must be represented by at least one member in an investigative committee.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 9 June 2022
Last updated: 9 June 2022

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