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Registration for social benefits now also possible in Tegel

Ukraine-Ankunftszentrums TXL (4)

TXL Arrival Center

Ukrainische Flüchtlinge können sich ab sofort ohne Termin am Ukrainian refugees can now register without an appointment at the Tegel arrival center in Berlin to receive social benefits.

At the moment, refugees must be registered to receive benefits, whereas previously this was also possible without registration, as a spokesman for the social administration stated on Tuesday (April 19, 2022). Now registration is also possible at the arrival center in Tegel. In many cases, Ukrainian refugees are distributed to other federal states and must then register there. Under certain conditions, however, they can also stay in Berlin.

Application also possible online

Refugees from Ukraine who have found an apartment or accommodation for at least six months would not have to report to Tegel. Instead, they can apply for a residence permit online. The information would then be verified at a subsequent personal appointment.

Social benefits only after registration

According to a nationwide decision from the beginning of April, people arriving from Ukraine can apply for social benefits only after registration in Germany. As of last Tuesday, 38,350 refugees in Berlin had already applied for social benefits, through the social welfare offices, the Senate Department announced on Tuesday.

Social welfare offices are prepared

The social welfare offices are prepared for the people from Ukraine: "We register that the number of arriving refugees continues to be lower than in previous weeks," said the spokesman for the social welfare administration. In the past days from April 14 to 18, Berlin has accommodated 1583 people in the arrival center Tegel.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 20 April 2022
Last updated: 20 April 2022

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