Current language: English

Schools in Berlin still have the fewest dropouts


Less students have to repeat a school year in Berlin than in any other federal state.

0.3 percent of students voluntarily repeat school year

At 0.9 percent, about one in a hundred students was concerned in the 2020/21 school year, according to a comparison by the Federal Statistical Office. The rate was highest in Bavaria, at 2.8 percent. In all federal states, however, the numbers are declining. Transfers to the next grade are regulated differently in the individual federal states. However, the number of students who voluntarily repeat a school year is increasing in Berlin. According to the school administration, the rate was recently 0.3 percent.

School year 2020/2021 marked by Corona

The 2020/2021 school year was associated with many restrictions: For months, children had to live with the alternation of face-to-face instruction at school and digital learning at home. The 7th to 9th grades were unable to attend school at all for months. In the capital, the school classes are the largest nationwide. On average, there were 26 students, two more than the national average. In Berlin elementary schools, there are 23 children compared to a national average of 21.

Publication date: 1 September 2024
Last updated: 21 January 2022

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