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Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz

Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz

The Kulturforum at Potsdamer Platz consists of numerous museums. Together they establish the European Art Collection.

The Kulturforum – Berlin's culture Plaza – built between the south-eastern edge of the Tiergarten and Potdamer Platz was masterminded by one of the most important architects of the 1950s Hans Scharoun. The cultural institutes assembled here include the Philarmonie, known across the world as home to the city’s orchestra Berliner Philarmoniker (Berlin Philharmonic), the Staatsbibliotek (City Library) the Musikinstrumentenmuseum (Museum of Musical Instruments).

The Gemaeldegalerie or Picture Gallery is known for its outstanding collection of European painting from the 13th to the 18th centuries, the Kunstbibliotek (Arts Library) with an archive of 400,000 volumes is the most comprehensive history of art literature resource in Germany, Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Applied Arts), Kupferstichkabinett (Museum of Prints and Drawings) is the largest collection of graphic arts in Germany and fourth largest in the world. The Neue Nationalgalerie (New National Gallery) inaugurated in 1968 as the first building in the Kulturforum is known as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s "light temple of glass".

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Matthäikirchplatz 6
10875 Berlin
+49 030 266 424 242
Opening Hours
see single museums
Admission Fee
16 Euro, red. 8 Euro (includes all exhibitions at Kulturforum)

Public transportation


Museums in Berlin

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Source: Staatliche Museen Berlin, Bearbeitung:

Last edited: 19 June 2024