Current language: English

11 Freunde-Quartier

Public Viewing

It is a traditional part of every major football event: the 11 Freunde Quarter. For Euro 2024, it will take place in the Astra Kulturhaus on the RAW grounds.

If you want to talk shop about football tactics as well as enjoy a thrilling public viewing, the 11 Freunde EM-Quartier is the place to be. All games of Euro 2024 will be shown on a large LED screen. Spectators can take their seats on fixed seats and a grandstand. In the event of rain, fans can move indoors.

At a glance

All matches of the Euro 2024
Astra Kulturhaus
14 June 2024
14 July 2024
Admission Fee
Opening hours
One hour before kick-off of the first match

Astra Kulturhaus

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Revaler Straße 99
10245 Berlin

Public transportation

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Last edited: 13 June 2024