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Film Restored - Film Heritage Festival

  • Film Restored 2023 (1)

    Anita – Dances of Vice

  • Film Restored 2023 (3)


  • Film Restored 2023 (2)

    Die Nacht gehört uns

The Film Heritage Festival shows films from bygone eras that, thanks to extensive restoration work, can be seen again, and presents restored lost films from different countries to the public for the first time ever.

The festival is made up of film screenings, workshops, lectures and panels discussion. A special highlight will be the silent film screenings with live music. In 2024, the motto is "Community". The festival explores filmmaking, film preservation and watching films as a collaborative experience and will also shed light on the many stories that cinema tells about communities, the family, social movements as well as political groups.

At a Glance

Film Festival
Film Restored - The Film Heritage Festival 2024
Arsenal cinema
23 October 2024
27 October 2024
Admission Fee
Not yet known


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Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin

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Source: Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin/

Last edited: 16 July 2024