Current language: English

Brazilian Film Festival Cinebrasil

Zuschauerraum in einem Programmkino

Cinebrasil offers an overview of key themes and narrative aesthetics in contemporary Brazilian cinema.

Based at the Babylon cinema in Berlin's city centre, Cinebrasil presents a selection of current films from South America's largest country. The festival explores current topics and narritive techniques and aims to challenge stereotypes about Brazil by showing the nation's diversity and cultural richness instead. Cinebrasil focuses on German-Brazilian films as well as on outstanding low-budget productions.

The film festival showcases documentaries and features films. Painting a broad canvas of the diverse Brazilian regions and ways of life, Cinebrasil encourages the audience to embark on a cineastic journey to places as colourful and vibrant as Recife, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. All films are shown with English or German subtitles.

At a Glance

Film Festival
Cinebrasil 2024
Not yet known
Babylon Cinema

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Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30
10178 Berlin

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Last edited: 10 May 2024