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John Bock: Ex-Ego-Gynt

The works of sculptor, performance artist, filmmaker and author John Bock are experiments in materials and language that challenge the traditional boundaries of the art world.

Bock (born 1965) composes spectacular and absurd structures in which he stages his lectures and films, often incorporating elements from the fields of fashion, music, and business. Sprüth Magers is pleased to present a solo exhibition of the artist's work, transforming the gallery space into Bock's signature artistic cosmos and showcasing his latest film as well as several new sculptures and an installation.

At a Glance

John Bock: Ex-Ego-Gynt
Sprüth Magers
18 November 2023
22 December 2023
Opening Hours
Tuesday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission Fee

Sprüth Magers

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Oranienburger Str. 18
10178 Berlin

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Source: Sprüth Magers/BerlinOnline

Last edited: 3 January 2024