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Human is

The exhibition "Human is" at the Schinkel Pavillon brings together historical and newly produced artworks, painting a polyphonic picture of the mutual interpenetrations of body and technology.

"Human is" deals with the often violent entanglements of humans with their technological environments, opposing promises of salvation from transhumanist progress while opening up spaces of possibility in which dualistic taxonomies can be overcome in favor of a networked existence. "Human is" uses science fiction and speculative fictions to transcend the humanist idea of being human on the one hand, and the species of anthropos on the other, through material and perspectival border zones. In doing so, the works also make visible hierarchies of power that have traditionally dehumanized others.

The group exhibition "Human is" at the Schinkel Pavillon shows works by Joachim Bandau, Ivana Bašić, Ian Cheng, David Cronenberg, Matthew Angelo Harrison, Tishan Hsu, Laika, Fritz Lang, Mike Kelley, Alexander Kluge, Tetsumi Kudo, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Nour Mobarak, Sandra Mujinga, Mary Shelley, Diane Severin Nguyen, Ovartaci, Analisa Teachworth, Suzanne Treister and WangShui. The exhibition was curated by Nina Pohl and Franziska Sophie Wildförster.

At a Glance

Human is
Schinkel Pavillon
19 March 2023
23 July 2023
Opening Hours
Thursday and Friday 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Admission Fee
€6, reduced fee €4

Schinkel Pavillon

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Oberwallstraße 1
10117 Berlin

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Source: Schinkel Pavillon/

Last edited: 9 February 2024