Current language: English

Jim Avignon: Small World Big Cities

The MaHalla in Oberschöneweide shows the collected stage designs of over 25 years of music performances by street artist Jim Avignon.

In August, for the first time and for one weekend only, Jim Avignon will present a large selection of his stage designs under the title «Small World Big Cities» at the new cultural venue MaHalla in Berlin-Oberschöneweide.

Jim Avignon's works have a lot to tell - not only about our time and its absurdities, but their cracks and repairs also tell of their creator's never-ending travels.

The artist will be present at the vernissage on Friday.

At a glance

Jim Avignon: Small World Big Cities
19 August 2022
21 August 2022
Opening hours
Friday from 6 to 10 p.m., Saturday from 12 to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 12 to 6 p.m.
Admission Fee


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Wilhelminenhofstraße 76
12459 Berlin

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Last edited: 22 August 2022