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Stefan Moses - Farewell and Beginning

  • Stefan Moses – Abschied und Anfang. Ostdeutsche Porträts 1989-1990 (1)

    Young pioneers, Cottbus, photography, 1991

  • Stefan Moses – Abschied und Anfang. Ostdeutsche Porträts 1989-1990 (2)

    Cook, Cottbus, Photography, 1991

  • Stefan Moses – Abschied und Anfang. Ostdeutsche Porträts 1989-1990 (3)

    Worker in the opencast mine Borna, Photography, 1991

East German Portraits 1989-1990: In the period of upheaval following the fall of the Berlin Wall, photographer Stefan Moses used the opportunity to portray people from the GDR. An exhibition in Berlin's Bröhan Museum shows a selection of these photographs under the title: Farewell and Beginning (Abschied und Anfang).

Stefan Moses (1928-2018) : «Never again will these faces be so expectant and open. The summary of a life in the homeland in a hundredth of a second, that can really only the photography. The moment of truth in seconds from the optical book of hours at the turn of the century, snapshot of an upheaval - after so few years it has become a historical protocol».

At a glance

What: Stefan Moses - Farewell and Beginning. East German Portraits 1989-1990
When: 08 November 2019 to 19 April 2020
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (also on all public holidays)
Where:Bröhan Museum
Admission: 8 Euro, reduced 5 Euro

Bröhan-Museum Berlin

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Source: Bröhan Museum/edited

Last edited: 20 March 2020