Neighborhood whispers - Walk through the 7 districts of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Kirstin Bauch

Dear readers,
when you visit this website, you probably want to explore the neighbourhoods of our district. Well, trust me, it is worth it! Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is made up of seven city districts: Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Nord, Grunewald, Halensee, Schmargendorf, Westend and Wilmersdorf. All of them boast a very unique and eventful history, to which many sights bear witness today. As of 2024, we, the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district office, would like to invite you to discover the city districts, take a closer look at buildings and town squares as well as parks, and be inspired by the stories hiding along the streets and paths. The neighbourhood walks were developed by four wonderful authors as part of a tourism project in cooperation with the district’s business development department, the press office and visitBerlin. This City Tax project was funded by the Senate Department which is responsible for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises. I hope you enjoy browsing through the booklet and strolling through our district. Thank you for exploring our neighbourhood and for embarking on these little adventures! Have a wonderful time and we wish you lots of great discoveries.
Kirstin Bauch
District Mayor
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf of Berlin

256. Kiezspaziergang - Fassadengrün Klausenerplatz

Charlottenburg: From “little Wedding” to the Lietzensee

Kirche am Hohernzollernplatz

Wilmersdorf: More colorful than its reputation